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The clarity of the diamond to play other than the secondary imperfection rating on the level and inside of the stone. We call surface defects s, while other defects are initiates. Compared with the disadvantages that may be insufficient, the application can affect the beauty of the diamond, which are only applicable to certain systems.

When referring to inclusions, diamond specialists or gemologists often use the term "internal features" instead of a defect. It is the internal features that give the diamond its natural and unique character. You have to remember that diamonds with the least amount of impurities will receive the highest degree of purity - which is associated with a higher price

All diamonds are unique, not perfect. They are formed underground under the influence of great pressure and heat. Natural impurities and imperfections are inevitable and unique.

Diamond Transparency Includes 6 Categories with 11 degrees of transparency.

In 1953, Richard T. Liddicoat and colleagues proposed a diamond grading system and a transparency scale from the Gemmological Institute of America (GIA).

I1, I2, I3

Clarity diamonds having obvious inclusions that may be visible and affect the beauty

SI1, SI2

The inclusions are visible at 10x magnification

The SI2 inclusions can be felt, especially when viewed from the side

VS1, VS2

Minor inclusions, from difficult (VS1) to slightly easy (VS2), which are visible at 10x magnification


VVS diamonds have tiny inclusions that are practically invisible even at 10x magnification

Internally Flawless (IF) Diamonds

Some tiny surface blemishes can be seen under the microscope

Flawless (FL) Diamonds

No internal or external features

Less than 1% of all diamonds are of FL purity

A flawless diamond is extremely rare as it is almost impossible to find a 100% defect-free diamond

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